Библиотека курортолога«Материалы Международного научного конгресса. 60-ая сессия Генеральной Ассамблеи Всемирной Федерации Водолечения и Климатолечения (ФЕМТЕК)» → DEVELOPMENT OF THE RESORT CITY OF ANAPA IN THE THIRD MILLENIUM



Ashkinadze Ivetta I.

Sochi State University for Tourism and Reсreation,
Branch in the City of Anapa, Russia


Last year in November in Andorra a significant event took place which is very important for the history of Anapa resort: it was awarded the title «The Best Resort in the World-2006» by FEMTEC. In this connection the issue of formation and promotion of a new and qualitative product in health and spa resorts is of the utmost importance. It is well known that a treatment taken at health and spa resorts ensures the best results during complex rehabilitation therapy.

In Anapa all the methods of treatment are widely used alongside with recreation and the use of natural curative factors being the priority. The experience of use of natural curative resources at resorts of our country and abroad proves a high medical and economical efficiency in a treatment, prophylaxis and rehabilitation of patients having different diseases. At present time the tendencies which 2began to show in our country in the system of government regulation of health and resort complex include the following: renewal and further development of state management, regulation and control of all health and resort institutions; organization of the service responsible for rehabilitation medicine in the structure of Ministry of Health and Social Security of Russia; development and introduction of new treatment and sanitary technologies on the basis of effective use of natural factors and so on.

All the above said is very important for our resort as Anapa is a balneological spa having a big variety of mineral waters and curative muds. Alongside with climatotherapy (aerotherapy, heliotherapy, thalassotherapy, psammotherapy) balneo-and-mud therapy available in Anapa allows to put our resort to the rank of biggest health resorts in our country. And may be our health centers sometimes have less comfort and service than overseas hotels but they excel them in medical service and treatment.

Therefore it is necessary to develop infrastructure of our city, to improve service industry, to introduce new rehabilitation programmes, to expand and consolidate medical base in order to increase the efficiency of treatment of our people in Anapa. And to make Anapa all-the-year-round resort it is also expedient to restore old buildings of health centers, re-orientation of existing SPA-centers, construction of new health centers, pump rooms and new animation complexes.

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