Библиотека курортолога«Материалы Международного научного конгресса. 60-ая сессия Генеральной Ассамблеи Всемирной Федерации Водолечения и Климатолечения (ФЕМТЕК)» → World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC) — 70 years of serving for health.

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World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC) — 70 years of serving for health.

President of FEMTEC, president of National Resort Association Prof.

N.A. Storozhenko, Moscow, Russia.

Times goes by so fast that it seems that very recently in France, in the Senate ballroom we participated in the 50-th anniversary Session of Climatotherapy well organized by Guy Ebrard.

And now we are participants of the 60-th General Assembly. Ten years passed by very quickly. Is it long or short? It is just an instant for the whole resort history. And for every one of us — it is just a noticeable life period during the complicated and controversial time.

There are changing government theories, political and economic structures; the technological progress is running inconceivably, but only water remains eternal, it is a source of life, health and the base of the health resort business. Lots of mineral water has flowed away for this period of time. Civilization always tries to spoil it; nevertheless, mineral water saves us by curing and treating the most dangerous ailments. Hydrotherapy has been serving us since the ancient time; it is proved by the writings in the Indian book, called Rig-Weda dated before 1500 B.C. There is some data that Assyrians, Babylonians and Israelites were the first people to use the mineral water.

Particularly, in the Gospel from Matthew we find the facts that the high priest of the Jerusalem, Kaiafa owned a hydropathical establishment for 100 fonts, and he charged quite high sums of money for both the rich and the poor, forcing them to ablutions before entering the temple.

From the Egypt the method of curing was transferred by Pythagoras to Greece, and enhanced by Hippocrates Coi, and Aesculap introduced it to Rome, where it got wide spread, including all countries in the Rome Empire. Hydrotherapy turned into cult, it is evidenced by Caracalla’s and Tit’s baths etc. In the center of Rome, on the four maps is depicted the Rome Empire since its foundation till its golden age when it extended to the whole Europe, Britain, the Near East, the North Africa and etc, bringing the hydrotherapy culture — the base of the health resort business to the mentioned territories.

That is why we have accepted the suggestion of the FEMTEC general secretary, Umberto Solimene to hold the Anniversary Session in Italy, the motherland of the hydrotherapy in the young resort Chevy that will be 50 years in the year 2007.

Passing through the historical period of the health resort business since the Asclepiy time till 1937, let’s stop on this date.

In the collection devoted to 50-th session to General Assembly FITEC, we find data that «Hungary became the first native land of the co-ordinated balneotherapy» where from October, 7 till October, 14 1937г. on the International Congress in Budapest «the International Federation of Balneological, Climatic and Sea resorts» — the mother FEMTEC was created.

Unfortunately, created in the pre-military period the federation, taking into account complexities of the military period, effectively could not organize the work that has induced participants of the Congress on resort, going(gathered) July, 26 1947г. in Switzerland to create «the International Federation of Balneology and Health Resort Business (FITEC)» the first president of which became the professor August Shrimer, the President of the Swiss Federation of balneological resorts whom in 1969 professor Guy Ebrard, has replaced occupying post of the President of the French federation of balneotherapy and climatotherapy.

Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Hungary, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Japan, Israel, Morocco, Tunis, France and other countries were places of realization of very important FITEC actions directed on popularization and development of the health resort business in the world.

The activities of FITEC President, professor Guy Ebrarda, general Secretary, professor Claude Ogay and of their team on behalf of vice-presidents: H.Barboza (Portugal), A. Brazhzhon (Italy), Kyung Do Cho (Korea), I. Fluk (Hungary), K. Kirshner (Germany), K. Kogure (Japan), A. Sluma (Tunis), A. Urfer (Switzerland) and chairmen of the commissions: Gennady Zajtsev (Russia), V.Fucys (Germany), Z.Hornjansky (Hungary), Je-C Ebrard (France) cause deep respect.

Post-war years became a stage of intensive development of the health resort business in the world.

It is necessary to tell, that the history of a resort affair knows both light, and dark pages of the history. During Middle Ages use for treatment of people of natural factors was considered as devil business for which inquisition burnt people on fires. The interdiction was imposed on resort business; it began to fall into decay. And it happened after a centuries-old history of blossoming when efficiency of used curative forces of a nature could not cause in anybody even doubts.

If many European countries, first of all Italy, Germany

And France had an ancient history of development of a resort affair in many countries she(it) begins in 18-19 centuries and receives development in the post-war period. So, for example, if in Russia till 1917 was 60 sanatoria on 3 thousand places already in Soviet Union by 1940 was 3600 sanatoria and establishments of rest on 469 thousand places, and by 1990 it was already totaled over 14 thousand health resorts which simultaneously could accept up to 3 million person on rest and treatment basically due to the state.

October, 7, 1998 in Moscow under the decision of the Russian Government passed ceremonial meeting and the International Scientific Congress, devoted to 280-years Anniversary of the first Russian resort «Marcial’nie waters».

Heads of the state and parliament, the ministries, heads of resort regions of Russia, public figures and scientists have taken part in ceremonial meeting from many countries of the world — FITEC members invited to celebrations.

In October, 9 1998 in Moscow General Assembly FITEC with the decision of plenipotentiaries from Andorra, Armenia, Byelorussia, Hungary, Georgia, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Moldova, Japan, Portugal, Ukraine, Tunis and Russia, has transferred managing role in FITEC to Russia. Such decision was preceded with acquaintance of heads FITEC to statement of a resort affair in our country, joint sessions of executive Committee and Board in Saint Petersburg and the introduction into Federation of Russia and Ukraine.

The next year the executive Committee in Andorra has accepted the offer of president Vseukrainskoj of association of physiatrists and Health resort doctor Prof. M. Lobody about realization of next 51-st General Assembly on a Ukrainian resort known in the world Yalta.

Excellent organized and carried out Scientific Session and General Assembly in Livadiyskiy palace of Yalta has installed confidence of developing potential of Federation and have allowed General Assembly to accept countries — participants from all continents the historical decision on transformation of the International Federation of Balneotherapy and Climatotherapy (FITEC) in the World Federation of Balneotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC). The world Organization of public health Services (CART) has given out official accreditation FEMTEC, having familiarized with the report on its activity. It was unconditional a recognition of merits of Federation in popularization of a resort affair in the world by realization of set of the international actions for years of its activity. And as thanking management of FEMTEC Prof. N.Khaltaeva who during many years, working in Geneva, supported our initiatives and accepted active participation in work FEMTEC. In particular, under a management Prof. N. Khaltaeva FEMTEC took part on an extent of last years in such programs the CART, as: the Pain in a back; the Healthy environment for children; Struggle with lungs diseases; Safety on roads; the Control of tobacco and etc., also has acted as a co-founder of programs «ГАРД» — Struggle with chronic lungs diseases, and also in General assemblies and regional sessions, officially receiving from the CART the information on its activity.

Such close contacts to the CART not only raise authority of resort movement, but also testify that it is a component of public health services in the world.

Significant event for Federation became the post assignment of the General Secretary in 2000 of the scientist — health resort doctor with a global name Prof. Umberto Solimene. (Italy, Milan University)

It is necessary to note, that with transfer of presidency in FEMTEC Russia during annual General Assemblies of Federation the International Scientific Congresses have started to be carried out. Thus, the Assembly develops a policy of the international activity, and the Scientific Congress — a substantiation of these policy scientists and practices a resort affair, the governmental organizations and public figures of countries — participants of Federation.

Active work in FEMTEC of well-known scientists and experts of the health resort business, such well as Fluk(Hungary), M.Loboda (Ukraine), And. A.Razumov (Russia), C.Jannonni Pecci (Italy), F.Daouas (Tunis), K.Yong Min (Korea), T.Taki (Japan), and F.Menendez (Cuba) have strengthened its authority on the international plan. In particular, Kazakhstan which recently was accepted in FEMTEC actively develops resort business and heads the economic commission (A.Akmurzin).

In Russia at participation of Federation and National Resort Association the All-Russia forum «Health resort» which analyzes scientific achievements will annually be carried out and defines ways of development of a resort affair on prospect.

With election by the chairman of a medical board Prof. A. Razumova and its close interaction with scientists of the world the set of the scientific congresses, symposiums and meetings have allowed to carry out A.Razumova of the representative of Ministry of Health of Russia in frameworks FEMTEC. Only lately such meetings, except for Russia, were held in Germany, China, Greece and other countries.

The saturation of the international activity in the field of a resort affair in each of the countries of members of Federation does not allow stating this party of activity in detail. At the same time it is necessary to note successes of General Assembly which was carried out in 2001 on Cuban resort Baradero, this removed from resort the Europe island, left at delegates indelible impression.

Teamwork with a forum «Health resort», urgency of scientific themes, a meeting of delegates FEMTEC in parliament of Russia, acquaintance to resorts of Moscow suburbs and reception in the Temple of the Christ of the Savior in Moscow were characteristic for 55-th General Assembly FEMTEC in Moscow in 2002.

High insistence to quality of scientific works and clearness of realization 56-I was characterized the General assembly FEMTEK organized in Hungary in 2003 by the first vice-president Prof. I.Fluk.

Meetings in France on resort Daks on 57-th General Assembly in 2004 were the following stage of constructive mutual relation between the countries.

Unforgettable was an organization of the next General Assembly and the Scientific Congress in Tunis in November, 2005 in which large delegations from Russia and Ukraine from heads of conducting resorts, experts of a resort affair and resort medicine who actively discussed scientific problems have taken part.

In Tunis negotiations with minister of tourism and Minister of Health, and also with a management of Office thermalizm about prospects of cooperation in frameworks FEMTEC were carried out.

The general director of the Termalizm Office of Tunis Dr. F.Daouas was elected vice-president FEMTEC.

In performancesof delegates from Andorra, France, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstans, Cuba, Libya, Russia, Tunis and Ukraine, and also the president of the World Association thalassotherapy M. Boulange experience of conducting a resort affair and resort treatment was opened, the big advantage of an exchange was emphasized by experience within the framework of the international resort organizations.

There are countries which activity in FEMTEC deserves special respect. Andorra concerns to such countries. The state in which live up to 70 thousand inhabitants, has an enviable tourist and resort infrastructure. It would be desirable to note, that Andorra has talented organizers of a resort affair. He/she is doctor Z. Armengol — vice-president of Federation, P-Jo Tomas — the chairman of the revision Committee and, certainly Lydia Magellon Font which, working as mayor Eskal’des Ergordeni, carried out the big work in Federation, actively participating in the international actions.The openness and hospitality were shown to participants of 59-th general Assembly FEMTEK and the International Scientific Congress in November 2006г. In Andorra which before 70-years Anniversary FEMTEC have confirmed a sequence of its(her) policy(politics) and have accepted in members FEMTEC China (the State Administration of Traditional medicine), Greece, Romania (Institute of Balneology) and in members — correspondents — the Russian international Academy of Tourism (Prof. I.Zorin).

The chairman of the technical commission was elected engineer. G.Gurnari (Italy) being the author of the most advanced projects and technologies on whom the set of resort clinics is constructed.

The invaluable contribution to development of a resort affair to the world bring both outstanding scientific, and inquisitive the practice, proving the scientific publications and performances higher and long efficiency of application of natural medical factors at many diseases, constantly competing with representatives of a pharmaceutical industry.

Stable constructive work in the Federation of such countries, as Andorra, Hungary, Italy, Cuba, Korea, Russia, Tunis, Ukraine, France, Japan which are a support and a nucleus of Federation, deserves the big respect.

In particular, the organizer of resort movement in Ukraine, vice-president FEMTEC professor M.Loboda has rallied authoritative scientists and heads of resorts from all regions of Ukraine which scientific works always abound novelty and fundamentality.

Speaking about resort business in Russia, it is necessary to note, that Russia before other countries on the post Soviet space has overcome crisis in resort business, having created first of all new нормативно-legal base of functioning of health resorts in new economic conditions.

In 1995 the Federal Law «About natural medical resources, therapeutic-healing-districts and resorts», the Federal target program «Development of resorts of federal value» and a number) of Decisions of the Russian Federations directed on preservation and development of resorts and a resort science in Russia was accepted.

Now the real policyin resort branch of the country is carried out with the Russian Centre of science of Regenerative Medicine and Курортологии, headed by the academician of Russian Academy of Medical Science A.Razumovym, the chairman of medical board FEMTEC, vice-president of the World Association of Thalassotherapy. It allows increasing the interest to the international resort movement not only the Russian scientists and практиков which delegation in structure more than 100 person will take part in one FEMTEC anniversary, but also experts from other countries.

We address words of gratitude to all participants of 70-years Anniversary FEMTEC and 50-years Anniversary of resort Crervy, to its president Antonio Feruchchi and to the president Federterme Costanzo Jannonni Pecci.

Development of resorts and resort medicine, its availability and efficiency, is one of the priority tasks put to the World Health Organization for XXI century, so we shall be worthy to the way we have chosen, going on it of 70 years.

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