Библиотека курортолога → «Материалы Международного научного конгресса. 60-ая сессия Генеральной Ассамблеи Всемирной Федерации Водолечения и Климатолечения (ФЕМТЕК)» → HYDROKINESOTHALASSOTHERAPY PATIENTS WITH VERTEBRALIS, MYOFASCIALIS, PELVIOMEMBRALIS SYNDROMES
ThesisesHYDROKINESOTHALASSOTHERAPY PATIENTS WITH VERTEBRALIS, MYOFASCIALIS, PELVIOMEMBRALIS SYNDROMESSkorobogach M.I., Liev A.A. Сlinic vertebronevrologii the Stavropol state medical academy, Kislovodsk sgma@narzan.com The complex hydrokinesothalassotherapy is offered to patients with vertebral myofascial pelviomembralis a syndrome. Efficiency of a complex of treatment has made 93 %. More than 60 % of patients with hernias of disks have avoided operative intervention. From the literature it is known, that more than 74 % of cases of the reference in a polyclinic practice of the neurologist patients with myofascial pelviomembralis syndromes make. Effective treatment of the given group of patients by monotherapeutic methods seldom leads to success. We on the basis of clinical (at more than 5000 patients), experimental and histologic methods at discoradicularis the conflict, protrusion, hernial prolapses investigate a vicious circle including corresponding segments of a spinal cord, arterial and venous vessels, neural trunks. Develop degenerate changes in fascial spurs of muscles (so-called myofibrosis on J.J. Popeljanskomu), the tendon-copular device and separate joints of a backbone and finitenesses develop. In such cases there is a necessity of carrying out of the developed complex of the treatment including manipulation, hydrokinesotherapy in contrast pool, underwater vertical autotraction on the original system, developed by professor A.A.Lievym, underwater horizontal traction small cargoes on the device. The thalassotherapy was applied to knocking over of activity myofascial trigger items. Efficiency of a complex of treatment has made 93 %. More than 60 % of patients with hernias of disks have avoided operative intervention. |