Библиотека курортолога → «МАТЕРИАЛЫ Международного научного конгресса и 62-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи Всемирной Федерации Водолечения и Климатолечения (ФЕМТЕК)» → MEDICAL AND FINANCIAL ASPECTS OF VARIOUS VARIANTS GRANTINGS OF MEDICAL SERVICES BY SANATORIUM ESTABLISHMENTS
MEDICAL AND FINANCIAL ASPECTS OF VARIOUS VARIANTS GRANTINGS OF MEDICAL SERVICES BY SANATORIUM ESTABLISHMENTSNemesh I., Shmanyko V. «Sanatoriy «Sonyachne Zakarpattya», Polyana (sonzak@mail.ru, 80313335555, +380503178203) In world global practice there are various variants of realization of medical services by sanatorium establishments, as in a complex and separately, with an estimation of each medical — diagnostic procedure. The first variant was characteristic for sanatorium establishments of the USSR and the post Soviet countries; the principle «all inclusive» is also popular all over the world. Nowadays the retail sale of medical services is more expedient. Demand of patients balneological gastroenterological sanatorium for medical procedures is investigated. The analysis of 437 questionnaires has shown that interrogated patients are unanimous in necessity of treatment by drinking mineral water. The general (common) mineral baths, showers, showers — massage, manual massage, and intestinal procedures are also in great demand. At the same time, demand for thermal procedures is not greater than 36% as a rule due to excessive fear of new growths. Only 19 % of patients choose procedures of electro phototherapy and not more than 10 % of interrogated accept inhalations, psychotherapy, physiotherapy exercises etc. The analysis of the annual medical report of sanatorium has shown that the number of patients having the basic procedures is more corresponding to standards of sanatorium treatment, in particular: electro phototherapy — 97,2%, thermal applications — 64,2%, physiotherapy exercises — 20,9%. The economic analysis of parameters of the annual medical report has shown that the profit in case of realization of medical procedures separately is lower on 20% than in case of their sale in a complex. Thus, sale of medical-diagnostic services in a complex from a medical point of view is more justified, as it keeps the compromise between subjective desires of patients and standards of sanatorium treatment, allows the doctor to combine procedures desired by patient, but poorly effective from the medical point of view, and procedures necessary for high-grade treatment, but not so popular. From the economic point of view realization of medical services in a complex is not unprofitable than their retail sale. Продажа лечебно-диагностических услуг в комплексе с медицинской точки более оправдана, поскольку сохраняет компромисс между субъективными желаниями отдыхающих и стандартами санаторного лечения, позволяет врачу сочетать как желанные пациентом, но мало эффективные в медицинском плане, так и необходимые для полноценного лечения, хотя и не так популярные процедуры. В экономическом плане реализация медицинских услуг «пакетом» экономически не убыточнее «розничной» их продажи. |