Библиотека курортолога → «Материалы Международного научного конгресса. 60-ая сессия Генеральной Ассамблеи Всемирной Федерации Водолечения и Климатолечения (ФЕМТЕК)» → CLIMATOTHERAPY AND SLOVENIAN HEALTH RESORTS
ThesisesCLIMATOTHERAPY AND SLOVENIAN HEALTH RESORTST. Cegnar, I. B. Vojkova Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia tanja.cegnar@gov.si The traditional view of climatotherapy is that existing complaints could be reduced or an existing disease could be cured, simply by exposing the patient to a particular climate. In the middle of the The thermal effect complex is the most important in climatotherapy. A cool environment allows for hardening which is one of the most important goals of climatotherapy in terms of prevention. Each cold stimuli causes an immediate effect; the therapeutic goal of hardening is achieved by adaptation to repeating stimuli. In climatotherapy, atmospheric elements in general are not considered as isolated phenomena, but in the perspective of their combined effects on humans. Therefore the meteorological elements are combined in to effect complexes: thermal, actinic and chemical. Our aim is to present comparative advantages and possible disadvantages of bioclimatic conditions in different regions in Slovenia based on some objective criteria for assessment of impact of climate on human well being which are operationally in use in our country. Also the foreseen impacts of climate change on a potential to use climatic conditions in Slovenia in climatotherapy will be presented. The Environmental Agency of Slovenia provides bioclimatological assessments and daily biometeorological forecasts (there is a good basis for considering some day-to-day weather types as biologically unfavorable and others as favorable), which could be helpful to the medical personal in climatic health resorts in performing climatotherapy. Information about the UV radiation and concentration of pollen and pollutants is also available. Some examples will be presented. |