Библиотека курортолога → «Материалы Международного научного конгресса. 60-ая сессия Генеральной Ассамблеи Всемирной Федерации Водолечения и Климатолечения (ФЕМТЕК)» → THE COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTIC EFFECTS OF SANATORIUM TREATMENT IN CHILDREN WITH RECCURENT BRONCHITIS
ThesisesTHE COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTIC EFFECTS OF SANATORIUM TREATMENT IN CHILDREN WITH RECCURENT BRONCHITISFisenko L.I., Halachenko А.А. JSC «Ukrprofzdravnitsa», Kiev; Сlinical sanatorium «Avanguard», Nemirov ukrprofzdrav@uprotel.net.ua galachenko@mail.ru The problem of development effective pathogenetic reasonable and simultaneously of safe means medical rehabilitation of children with recurrent bronchitis has paramount importance both in medical, and in social aspects. Proceeding from it, the comparative influence on process of recurrent bronchitis at children following of rehabilitation complexes is investigated: 1 — traditional, 2 — with inclusion baths of radon, 3 — with inhalation of Thiotriazolin and N-acetylcystein (NАС), 4 — complex baths of radon with inhalation Thiotriazolin and NАС. Most essentially elimination of displays chronic endogenous intoxication influenced of complex 4. As a result of use complex 4 dynamics of the majority symptoms describing drainage function easy (intensity of cough, quantity and rheology property of a tracheo-bronchial secret) was more expressed and authentically (Р<0,05) differed from those at the patients, which received complex 1, 2, 3. Under influence complex 3 and 4 forced expiratory volume (FEV) and forced vital capacity (FVC) have increased in 4 groups by 26,16% and 48,57%, accordingly. A gain of parameters curve «flow-volume» at patients of the specified groups specifies reduction of formed infringements of bronchial passableness. Except elimination hyper- and discrinic components of bronchial obstruction, the broncholytic action baths of radon in a combination with pharmacotherapy, probably, is explained by disappearance inflammatory edema of bronchial mucous and bronchospasm. The restoration of thermorelief is observed in a greater degree at children receiving complex 4. Thus, use of a complex baths of radon and inhalation of Thiotriazolin with NАС in sanatorium treatment of children with recurrent bronchitis most essentially results in recourse of clinical displays of disease, authentically to a gain of parameters of function of external breath and eliminates infringements of the thermocharacteristics of zones displaying a condition of respiratory system. |