Библиотека курортолога → «Материалы Международного научного конгресса. 60-ая сессия Генеральной Ассамблеи Всемирной Федерации Водолечения и Климатолечения (ФЕМТЕК)» → COMBINED UHF-RADONOTHERAPY OF TRAUMATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY
ThesisesCOMBINED UHF-RADONOTHERAPY OF TRAUMATIC ENCEPHALOPATHYDorojinscay E.V., Sukhovershin A.V., Elfimov F.E. Public corporation «Sanatorium «Russia», Belokurikha, Russia In patients with distant cerebrasthenic consequences of craniocerebral trauma efficacy of combined application on the resort Belokurikha of general balneotherapy, radon shower on the head and ultrahighfrequent therapy has been studied. Patients were administred with nitric-silicon baths with small content of radon, radioactivity up to 0,2 cBc/l with the temperature 37 degrees. Course of UHF-therapy included impact of millimeter electromagnetic irradiation of non-heat intensity on the relevant auricular and corporal biologically active points of acupuncture.As a result of combined balneotherapy and microwave resonance therapy significant improvement is noticed in 20,3%, improvement occurred in 76,2% of patients and only in 3,5% of vases therapeutic effect was minimum. Criteria of significant improvement were clinical reduction of asthenic, cephalgic, vegetative, affective, dissomnic symptomcomlexes and cognitive disturbances in the patients. During improverment minimum serverity was achived first of all of astheno-vegetative and cephalgic manifestations, improvement of the sleep, increase of mood. |